What Is A REST API And How Does It Work A Guide for Beginners

What Is A REST API And How Does It Work A Guide for Beginners | Connect Infosoft


November 09, 2023

What Is A REST API And How Does It Work A Guide for Beginners

A REST API, or Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and conventions that allow systems to communicate with each other over the internet. It is a widely used architectural style for designing networked applications.

REST is based on a client-server model, where the client, such as a web browser or a mobile app, makes requests to the server, and the server responds with the requested data or performs certain actions. Here's a breakdown of key concepts related to REST APIs:


In REST, everything is considered a resource, which could be a specific piece of data or an object. For example, a blog post, a user profile, or a product can be resources.

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs):

Each resource is identified by a unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), commonly known as a URL. The URL represents the address of the resource on the server.

HTTP Methods:

REST APIs use HTTP methods to define the actions to be performed on resources. The most commonly used methods are:

  • GET: This method returns a representation of the resource.
  • POST: Creates a new resource.
  • PUT: This method updates or replaces an existing resource.
  • DELETE: Deletes a resource.


Resources can be represented in a number of formats, including JSON, XML, and HTML. The client and server agree on the representation format using HTTP headers.

Stateless Communication:

REST APIs are stateless, which means each request from the client to the server must contain all the necessary information to understand and process the request. The server does not maintain any client-specific state between requests.


When the server receives a request, it processes it and sends back a response. The response typically includes a status code indicating the success or failure of the request (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found), and the requested data or relevant information.

What Do “REST” And “API” Mean Respectively?

"REST" stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style for designing networked applications and web services.

"API" stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a set of rules and protocols that let various software programmes to connect with one another. APIs define how different software system components can interact and exchange data.

When combined, "REST API" refers to an API that follows the principles of the REST architectural style. It is a set of rules and conventions for building web services that can be accessed over the internet using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). REST APIs provide a standardized way for systems to communicate and exchange data, typically in the form of JSON or XML.

How Does A REST API Work?

A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) works based on a client-server model and follows a set of principles and conventions. Here's a step-by-step overview of how a REST API works:

1. Client Sends a Request:

The client, which can be a web browser, a mobile app, or any other application, initiates communication by sending an HTTP request to the server. The request includes the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the desired resource and the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) indicating the action to be performed.

2.  Server Receives the Request:

The server receives the request and processes it based on the provided URL and HTTP method. The server identifies the requested resource and determines the appropriate action to perform.

3. Server Processes the Request:

Depending on the HTTP method, the server performs the necessary actions on the requested resource. For example:

  • GET: The server retrieves the requested resource and sends it back to the client in the response.
  • POST: The server creates a new resource based on the data sent by the client.
  • PUT: The server updates or replaces an existing resource with the data provided by the client.
  • DELETE: The server removes the requested resource from the system.

4. Server Sends a Response:

The server generates an HTTP response after processing the request. The response includes a status code indicating the outcome of the request (e.g., 200 for success, 404 for not found) and may contain the requested data or relevant information. The response is typically sent back to the client in a format like JSON or XML.

5. Client Receives the Response:

The HTTP response is sent to the client by the server. It interprets the status code to determine the success or failure of the request. If the response includes data, the client can extract and utilize that data as needed.

6. Client Processes the Response:

The client application processes the received response, extracts the relevant information, and performs any required actions based on the response data. This could involve updating the user interface, storing the data locally, or triggering subsequent requests to the API.

This request-response cycle repeats for each interaction between the client and the server. REST APIs are stateless, meaning that each request from the client must contain all the necessary information for the server to understand and process the request. The server does not maintain any client-specific state between requests.

Why Choose The REST API?      

Overall, choosing a REST API offers simplicity, scalability, interoperability, and compatibility with existing web standards. These factors make REST a popular choice for building APIs, enabling efficient communication and integration between different systems in a wide range of applications.

There are several reasons why choosing a REST API can be advantageous for your application development:

1. Simplicity and Ease of Use:

REST APIs are relatively simple and easy to understand, both for developers and for clients interacting with the API. They use standard HTTP methods and follow a resource-based approach, making it intuitive to work with and learn.

2. Scalability:

REST APIs are designed to be scalable and can handle a large number of clients and requests. They utilize the scalability features of the underlying HTTP protocol, such as load balancing and caching, which can enhance the performance and responsiveness of the API.

3. Flexibility and Interoperability:

REST APIs enable interoperability between different systems and platforms. They can be accessed using standard HTTP libraries available in most programming languages, allowing clients to consume the API regardless of their technology stack. This facilitates integration with third-party services and enables the development of diverse client applications.

4. Stateless Nature:

REST APIs are stateless, meaning that each request from the client contains all the necessary information for the server to process it. This simplicity makes APIs more scalable, as servers do not need to maintain client-specific state between requests. It also allows for better fault tolerance and easier load balancing.

5. Wide Adoption and Community Support:

REST is a widely adopted architectural style, and there is a vast community of developers and resources available for support. This means that you can find numerous libraries, frameworks, and tools built specifically for working with REST APIs, making development tasks easier and more efficient.

6. Compatibility with Web Standards:

REST APIs are built on top of the HTTP protocol, leveraging its features and adhering to its standards. This compatibility ensures that REST APIs can seamlessly integrate with existing web technologies, such as caching mechanisms, security protocols (HTTPS), and authentication mechanisms (e.g., OAuth).


In conclusion, REST APIs provide a standardized and scalable approach for building web services and facilitating communication between systems. By following the principles of REST, such as using HTTP methods, resource-based URLs, and self-descriptive responses, REST APIs offer simplicity, flexibility, and interoperability.

REST APIs are language-agnostic and can be implemented on various platforms, allowing for easy integration and communication between different systems. They are widely adopted and supported, with a large community providing resources and tools for development.

TAGS:What Is A REST API and How Does It Work? A Guide for Beginners, Looking Rest APIs Development Services Company, Connect Infosoft, Backend API Dev Team API Development, Looking for Backend API Developer, Looking for Backend API Dev Team, Rest API Development Company

Tags: What Is A REST API and How Does It Work? A Guide for Beginners, Looking Rest APIs Development Services Company, Connect Infosoft, Backend API Dev Team API Development, Looking for Backend API Developer, Looking for Backend API Dev Team, Rest API Development Company